Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Light reading for the fellas

The Larry & Stretch westerns are good for quick light reading. Marshall Grover seems to have the ability in this book to keep you turning the pages! Even though in all of his Larry & Stretch novels they always win because they must. There are the romantic bits and the male has his powerful ways. The thing I like about Larry & Stretch is, they can be picked up anytime for some relaxation  They have become a "collectors" item and not always easy to find. 

A Great Read

Mary Higgins Clark is truly a master of the art of keeping you in suspense, and this novel is no exception. I've been promising myself a read of it for a long time and I finally managed it over Christmas!

It's an exciting story of a woman who was charged with murdering her husband and who, after serving five and a half years of a ten year sentence, when released, wanted to prove her innocence. When her husband's lover is then found murdered, the woman looks like going through it all again... although lots of potential suspects appear to the reader! The real murderer, trying to set her up for apparent suicide, keeps you guessing right to the suspensful end. This is not her latest book but certainly has to be one of her best!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Amazing Kindle from Amazon

The video below shows you one of the most exciting developments available for bookworms! Now we can carry around all the books we want to read- in fact, books, magazines, articles, blogs, you name it... All in this electronic device weighing no more than one paperback! Read it just like you would a book, no glare or anything like that, you can read in bright sunlight, change the size of the print to suit you, and download 60,000 books if you like!! Want to buy us one for Christmas?? (no harm in wishing)

The Kindle from Amazon

Thursday, December 2, 2010


December 2010

Well here we go trying to create a blog that might encourage you to visit our site and buy books to read! We are just a couple of struggling pensioners who are  trying to supplement our pensions by mowing lawns, cleaning windows and such like things...It would be so nice if we could sell books instead!

We've just read for ourselves the touching story written by Li Cunxin; the story of his upbringing in communist China in the sixties. Li Cunxin was the sixth of seven sons born in a poverty stricken household and thoroughly brainwashed by Mao. The book tells of his last minute selection for Madame Mao's dancing school, his leaving home, his strict training and terribly tough rise to the top of his class. His final escape to America's freedom and luxuries, and the wonderful help he was finally able to give his family, makes a heart warming tale of courage and love - well worth reading.